Press Release 4 July, 2023:

 58th Meeting of the General Council of NCERT: 

Hon'ble Union Minister of Education Sh. Dharmendra Pradhan Ji, Ministry of Education, Government of India graced the occasion as the President of NCERT and Chairman of the 58th Meeting of the General Council of NCERT held on 4 July 2023.

In the beginning of the meeting, the Hon'ble Union Minister of Education released NCERT textbooks for classes 1 and 2 and highlighted the significance of these textbooks. In his address, he said that these new generation textbooks have been developed based on the NEP-2020 and National Curriculum Framework for Foundational Stage ( NCF-FS) 2022.  Play is in the core of these textbooks, which will  motivate children to learn with interest and joy. These will be helpful in the holistic development of children, ensure joyful learning at the foundational stage, as envisaged by NEP-2020. He further emphasized that the teacher training is key for achieving quality and all the teachers at the foundational stage should be trained on priority basis to equip them to successfully transact the curriculum in schools. He further said that handholding of DIETs and SCERTs needs to be done to realise the curricular goals. The Hon'ble Minister has desired that these books must be available in scheduled Indian Languages initially in digital form and gradually in physical form. 

Prof. Dinesh Prasad Saklani, Director-NCERT welcomed Sh. Dharmendra Pradhan Ji, Hon'ble Union Minister of Education, Government of India; Mrs  Annpurna Devi, Hon'ble Minister of State for Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India; Ministers of Education from States and UTs, Secretaries of Education from States/UTs, other officials from States/UTs, MoE-GoI, NCERT, CBSE, etc.

Other dignitaries who graced the occasion include Sh. Sanjay Kumar Ji, Secretary, DoSEL-MoE-GoI; Prof. M Jagadeesh Kumar, Chairman UGC; Prof. J S Rajput, Former Director,NCERT; Prof. Sridhar Srivastava, Joint Director NCERT; Prof. Pratyush Kumar Mandal, Secretary, NCERT and other officials from States/UTs, MoE-GoI, NCERT, CBSE, etc.

The meeting was organised at Dr. Ambedkar International Convention Centre, New Delhi and about  50 participants attended this meeting through face to face and online mode.  

Please find mentioned links to the latest NCERT textbooks for Classes 1 & 2 developed and released as part of implementation of the NEP-2020 and NCF-FS 2022.

Class 1  

Mridang :-

Joyful-Mathematics :-

Anandmay-Ganit :-

Sarangi :-

Class 2

Mridang :-

Joyful-Mathematics :-

Anandmay-Ganit :-

Sarangi :-