
What is DIKSHA Portal?

    DIKSHA - National Digital Infrastructure for Teachers and students is a customizable platform which is currently being used by teachers (from both government and private institutions) across the nation for all the standards to help the students learn several concepts. The portal is accessible in many languages for easy understandability of the user.

For Teachers – The portal enables the teachers understand their career span. From the time they join the school to their retirement, they can map out their career progression and can work on their skills accordingly. Teachers will also be able to contribute to the existing learning material, share their achievements and have access to authenticate the work of other teachers as well.

Benefits – Teachers who join courses run at this portal will be able to grow in a systematic way. They will earn badges and certificates on completion that will prove beneficial for the professional development.

Motto - The DIKSHA platform strengthens the hands of ‘Our Teachers Our Heroes’.

Features of DIKSHA Portal
Here are some important features of DIKSHA portal that you must keep in mind before accessing it:

QR Code

DIKSHA - National Digital Infrastructure for Teachers and students can be accessed after scanning the QR code provided in their NCERT books. After scanning the QR code, the portal will come up with suggestions and topics that you want to study.


        The portal is accessible in both English and Hindi language. You can choose any language depending upon your comfort and convenience.  


        The portal would first ask for the location to which you belong. For example, you choose Delhi as an option, it would further ask you to choose ‘sub-location’ means in which locality of Delhi you reside. Accordingly, it will show you the courses that are going on in that region from which you can choose the desired course as per your skill set.

Class Based

        DIKSHA portal requires a user to choose the class whose study material has to be accessed. Click on the standard whose study material you wish to access and enter SUBMIT button.

DIKSHA Mobile App
        DIKSHA portal is an advanced platform that is available for the android and iOS users also. You can download DIKSHA app from Google Play Store. The mobile app is available for not just teachers but also for the students and parents. The app is loaded with engaging learning material that fits the needs of prescribed school curriculum.

How Teachers will benefit?

        DIKSHA - National Digital Infrastructure for Teachers is also available in the form of mobile app. It is loaded with lesson plans, worksheets and activities, to create enjoyable classroom experiences.

How Students will benefit?

        Students having access to DIKSHA app will be able to understand concepts in easy and interactive manner. There are features through which lessons can be revised. The app also facilitates the students to test his/her learning through self-assessment practice exercises.

How Parents will benefit?

        Parents having access to DIKSHA app in their mobiles can follow classroom activities and clear doubts outside school hours. It is a comprehensive platform for hassle free interaction of all the stakeholders involved.

         Diksha has more than 80,000 e-Books for classes I to XII created by CBSE, NCERT and States / UT which are available in multiple languages. The contents can also be viewed through QR codes on textbooks. The app can also be downloaded from IOS and Google Play Store. This is available to all the students and Teachers @ Free of Cost.

                                     Click Here to Visit Diksha Portal